Repositorio de la Universidad de Palermo

O estudo de uma família "que supera as adversidades da pobreza": um caso de resiliência em família?

Mostrar el registro sencillo del ítem Yunes, María Angela Mattar Szymanski, Heloisa 2009-07-06T20:34:46Z 2009-07-06T20:34:46Z 2006
dc.identifier.citation Psicodebate Nº 7: Psicología, Cultura y Sociedad en
dc.identifier.issn 1515-2251
dc.description.abstract Generally, researches with families focus the difficulties and negative aspects of family life by bringing up their maladjustments and failures. The interest in family resilience contributes to change this logic by demonstrating the healthy aspects of the family world. Nevertheless, the term resilience presents ideological controversies wich are more severe when the discussion is about families and poverty. In order to diminish these contradictions this study adopted a systemic concept of resilience wich refers to "those processes that make possible to overcome adversities". A case study was realized with a low income family who lived in a "very poor" neighborhood in the deep south of Brazil. The methodological strategies to the formal investigation of the family were: life history of the family using the principles of reflexive interview, genograms and data analyses through the approach of the grounded theory. The results showed that the family lived a number of risk experiences such as adoption, privation of basic needs, migration and diseases. Among the indicators of their abilities of "overcoming adversities", emerged the belief system as the core of the discourses. The family showed that they value the interpersonal relationships through intra and extra familiar interactions based in the patterns of help, learning, affection and solidarity. During the crisis the family gives meaning to the difficulties in order to maintaining the situation controlled through cohesion, open communication, mutual respect and getting support of the extended family/ social network. The pos-adversity period is perceived as benefic and transforming as the family feels stronger and with feelings of solidarity, wich is a mark of this family. Their attitude in relation to the neighborhood is active in the sense of promoting the welfare of other families who live in the same social address. Would those above identified processes be adequate to define "family resilience" or only suggest the group adaptation to the social dominant norms? en
dc.language.iso other en
dc.publisher Universidad de Palermo en
dc.subject Families en
dc.subject Resilience en
dc.subject Poverty en
dc.subject Low income families en
dc.title O estudo de uma família "que supera as adversidades da pobreza": um caso de resiliência em família? en
dc.type Article en

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  • Psicodebate: Psicología, Cultura y Sociedad
    Editada por el Departamento de Psicología, presenta trabajos de investigación en psicología y temas de actualidad realizados por prestigiosos profesionales nacionales e internacionales.

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