
  • Tesis de Doctorado en Diseño

    El Doctorado en Diseño forma pensadores líderes del diseño, de la imagen y las comunicaciones que construyen el futuro de la disciplina en Argentina y Latinoamérica. Investigadores capaces de analizar la realidad actual y las tendencias del Diseño a nivel mundial, producir teoría y expandir las fronteras del conocimiento con sus investigaciones.

  • Tesis de Maestría en Gestión del Diseño

    La Maestría en Gestión del Diseño forma líderes del diseño de la imagen y las comunicaciones con una proyección internacional. Son los profesionales innovadores y creativos que necesita el futuro del Diseño. Adquieren una concepción integral del diseño para conceptualizar y desarrollar estrategias y gestionar exitosamente equipos y proyectos de mediana y gran complejidad, así como para producir teoría y conducir investigaciones.

  • Actas de Diseño

    Actas de Diseño es una publicación académica-profesional, impresa y digital, de la Facultad de Diseño y Comunicación de la Universidad de Palermo (Buenos Aires, Argentina),  que se edita semestralmente desde agosto del 2006. La coordinación y edición de esta publicación está a cargo del Encuentro Latinoamericano de Diseño y es supervisada y arbitrada por el Comité de Arbitraje del Foro de Escuelas de Diseño.

    Actas de Diseño se edita bajo las normas de acreditación del CONICET / CAICYT y está incluida en el Directorio y Catálogo de Latindex, Nivel 1 Superior de Excelencia.  

    Actualmente es una publicación en versión gráfica (ISSN: 1850-2032) y digital (ISSN: 2591-3735) que fue incrementando paulatinamente su frecuencia hasta alcanzar tres ediciones anuales en el año 2019.

  • Ciencia y Tecnología

    Ciencia y Tecnología journal is an academic publication of the School of Engineering at the Universidad de Palermo, dedicated to the areas of: Electronics; Computer's science; Information technology; Energy; Sustainable engineering; Industrial processes; Control and Robotics; and Telecommunications. In order to guarantee their quality, all papers are selected through a strict peer review process.

  • Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios de Diseño y Comunicación

    Cuadernos del Centro de Estudios en Diseño y Comunicación is an academic journal of international scope with arbitration 
    and edited by the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo uninterruptedly since 2000.

    It publishes original and unpublished works referring to the contemporary agenda of design, communications and creativity
    from an interdisciplinary perspective.

    Each edition is thematic and gathers contributions from authors from different perspectives, institutions and countries. 
    Each number is organized by an academic coordinator of the Faculty of Design and Communication of the University of Palermo.

    Numerous editions are produced in conjunction with leading international universities and academic institutions and present
    results, reflections and contributions of the research projects carried out between these institutions and the Faculty of
    Design and Communication of the University of Palermo.







  • Journal de Ciencias Sociales

    The Journal de Ciencias Sociales is the academic publication of the Social Sciences School of the Universidad de Palermo, Argentina. The Journal is dedicated to the various fields of the Social Sciences, from a broad theoretical-methodological plane, accepting interdisciplinary contributions that include contributions from various disciplines, always with the axis placed on the social; resulting, in this way, an innovative proposal in the field of scientific journals. It is published every six months and exclusively in digital format. It contains several sections and presents oriented numbers.

    The Journal adheres to the Ibero-American rules for digital academic journals proposed by Latindex and adopted by CAICYT-CONICET in Argentina. It is included in national and international indexes and database: Level I of the Latindex Catalog; DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals); REDIB (Ibero-American Network of Innovation and Scientific Knowledge); Dialnet, ProQuest, in the ECLAC Library, REBIUN (Network of Spanish University Libraries), MIAR (Information Matrix for the Journal`s Analysis); BINPAR (National Bibliography Publications of Argentina); CIRC (Integrated Classification of Scientific Journals); DRJI (Directory of Research Journal Indexing); ROAD (Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources); Proyecto Malena, Actualidad Iberoamericana, BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine), OpenAire, WorldCat, and Scilit.

  • Psicodebate

    Psicodebate is an open access semiannual (june 1st and december 1st) scientific journal published by the Social Sciences Faculty of Universidad de Palermo. The papers published in Psicodebate cover topics of Psychology and other social and human sciences. Our goal is to communicate the current debates and the latest scientific findings in these topics.

    We receive papers in spanish and in english that address psychology issues (treatment, assessment, therapy, theory, diagnosis, among others) and other social and human sciences (sociology, psychiatry, among others). Types of articles accepted are those propose by the American Psychological Association (APA): empirical studies, literature reviews, theoretical articles, methodological articles, case studies. Empirical articles will be preferred.

    Submitted papers go through an objective double-bind peer review process in which they are confidentially assessed by experts. The double-blind process guarantees objective judgements. Reviewers informed about the quality of the paper and recommend it to be accepted or rejected. Articles may be directly accepted, accepted with revisions required (major/minor) or rejected. Reviewing process usually takes up to 8 weeks. With this digital edition on Open Journal System we embrace the promotion of open access to scientific publishing nationally and internationally. Open access allows for a greater interchange among professionals and, in consequence, an increment in scientific knowledge. The rejection rate in 2023 was 78%.

    Psicodebate meets the iberoamerica normative for academic journals proposed by Latindex adopted by CAICYT-CONICET in Argentina. Psicodebate in included in Scielo (Scientific Electronic Library Online), in the Basic Core of Scientific Publications (National Scientific and Technical Research Council, CONICET), Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), ERIH Plus (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences), LatindexDIALNETREDIB (Red Iberomamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico), DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) and Google Scholar.