Convergiendo abordajes al Diseño para las Transiciones: reflexiones sobre conceptos, prácticas e implicancias en contextos latinoamericanos

  • Marysol Ortega Pallanez
  • Silvana Juri
  • Sofía Bosch Gómez
Palabras clave: Diseños varios, Diseño para las transiciones


Como diseñadoras, nos unimos al llamado de abordar los daños socioecológicos del antropoceno, muchos de ellos causados o amplificados por el diseño. 


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Abstract: As designers, we join the call to address the socio-ecological harms of the anthropocene, many of them caused or amplified by design. Our motivation with this article is to offer a critical and pluralistic look at the integration of mandates such as ecological literacy in the practices of Design for Transitions to sustainability in Latin American contexts.

We offer this analysis based on reflections on our work linked to Design for Transitions in three Latin American contexts: one in the far southeast (Montevideo, Uruguay), one in the second most populated city in the region (Mexico City), and the last in the far northwest (Hermosillo, Mexico). We discuss the adoption of ecological literacy within the Design for Transitions worldview in Latin America. On the one hand, we expose and acknowledge that there is no unifying vision of Design for Transitions practices in this vast region. On the other hand, we explore what could be alternatives and points of convergence between concepts and approaches in practice that resonate with Latin American situations, seeking to avoid falling into epistemic colonisation and erasure.

Through this joint reflection, we seek to contribute to the range of Designs for Transitions by emphasising that beyond the integration of ecological literacy (or its absence) as a strategy, different nuances and approaches need to converge between various designs and their practices, to address environmental harms and injustices as part of a nature-culture continuum.

We will use the following main questions to guide these reflections: what does an ecological literacy approach imply when it moves beyond the confines of the academy? Is ecological literacy necessary in a region where literacy has been linked to the development of the colonial nation-state? And how does Transition Design take root and emerge from territorial specificity?
Cómo citar
Ortega Pallanez, M., Juri, S., & Bosch Gómez, S. (2024). Convergiendo abordajes al Diseño para las Transiciones: reflexiones sobre conceptos, prácticas e implicancias en contextos latinoamericanos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (222).