Hacia una taxonomía de la Memoria. Prácticas artísticas colombianas en torno a la reconstitución de hechos históricos

  • Virginia de la Cruz Lichet
Keywords: History; Time; Worship to memory; Multimedia installations; Colombia


From the Bogotazo (1948), the history of Colombia is known as the history of an armed conflict in which violence has been the backdrop. In this context, the traumas of society end up becoming collective memory, configuring a new cartography of pain. In response, artists talk about Art as a language against the current, seeking to create a restorative space that allows reflection on traumatic events. Many of the current artistic practices in Colombia intersect different temporal plots through multimedia and enveloping installations in order to elaborate a counter-hegemonic discourse that is presented as an act of resistance to the reality that surrounds them


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How to Cite
de la Cruz Lichet, V. (2019). Hacia una taxonomía de la Memoria. Prácticas artísticas colombianas en torno a la reconstitución de hechos históricos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (75), 51-66. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi75.1022