Avant-garde, dépendance culturelle et périodisations en lutte. L’historicisation de l’art argentin des années 1960

  • Berenice Gustavino
Keywords: Art criticism; Historiography; Argentinian art; Avant-garde


This article examines the first attempts on the historicization of Argentine art in the sixties that started in the early seventies. The drawing up of that report revives the confrontations among the authors who disagree on the avant-garde’s definition, its duration and the relation between Argentinian art and the art of the metropolis. Starting with a group of texts from 1975 and 1976, this article shows the tensions among the discourses aiming to establish the periods and criteria that would help to divide the different stages, what would be included and what forgotten, and who’s going be in charge of the task at hand.


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How to Cite
Gustavino, B. (2019). Avant-garde, dépendance culturelle et périodisations en lutte. L’historicisation de l’art argentin des années 1960. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (75), 141 - 151. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi75.1028