Postcards From “the Edge”: Toward Futures of Design for Sustainability Transitions

  • A. İdil Gaziulusoy
Keywords: design for sustainability; sustainable design; sustainability; transitions; design; Transition Design


The design for sustainability field has evolved considerably over the past few decades. Its early beginnings were marked by addressing single issues in isolation, with a primarily technologically optimistic predisposition and a focus on incremental product innovation. Currently, “the edge” of the field strategically deals with systemic issues in the longer term, with a focus on human and ecosystem well-being. This evolution has been aligned with and partly influenced by the emergence of sustainability science, and system innovations and transitions theories, as well as scientific advancement pointing to the increasing urgency of action. This article presents an overview of the emergence of Transition Design, discusses the current status of theory and practice, and provides pointers for the theoretical and practical advancement of the field.


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How to Cite
Gaziulusoy, A. İdil. (2019). Postcards From “the Edge”: Toward Futures of Design for Sustainability Transitions. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (73), 67 a 84.