Words Into Action: Making and Doing Transition Design in Ojai, California. A Case Study

  • Steve Hamilton
Keywords: Transition Design; sustainable design process; wicked problems; stakeholder relations; design futuring; backcasting; participatory design; community generated design


This paper assesses the practical deployment of Transition Design in Ojai, California, a small U.S. city facing a potentially existential water crisis stemming from complex water-system relationships between many conflicting stakeholder groups. The area’s physical isolation engenders a powerful sense of community, while the diversity of the population makes collective action frequently contentious. The case study describes two early 2017 Transition Design workshops that brought together diverse constituents, facilitated shared visions of preferable futures, and inspired some Ojai participants to try to launch a Transition Design office to weave the practice into their community and inspire new collective behaviors targeting a variety of problems and goals.


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How to Cite
Hamilton, S. (2019). Words Into Action: Making and Doing Transition Design in Ojai, California. A Case Study. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (73), 199 a 212. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi73.1045