El Distrito de Diseño en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: una mirada desde los usos de la cultura en contextos globales y locales

  • Silvia Benza
Keywords: City; Design; Culture


This article proposes an analysis of the project Distrito de Diseño in the City of Buenos Aires taking into account the global settings that frame its creation, such as the Red de Ciudades Creativas de la Alianza Global para la Diversidad Cultural (Creative Cities Network of the Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity), as well as a local instance represented by the Ministerio de Desarrollo Económico del Gobierno de la Ciudad (Ministry of Economic Development of the City Hall). It also aims to look at the intensive use of design, focusing on its bonds with cultural and urban development policies that drive processes of urban “revitalization”, gentrification, and clustering. Moreover, it proposes to analyze the uses of culture in these processes, considering their “instrumental” use and their use of “public value”. To this end, public sector and government policies, industries, the market logic, the business dimension, the neoliberal capitalism, and, finally, the third sector must be considered.


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How to Cite
Benza, S. (2019). El Distrito de Diseño en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: una mirada desde los usos de la cultura en contextos globales y locales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (71), 51 a 59. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi71.1052