Marcas de género en el diseño tipográfico de revistas de moda

  • Griselda Flesler
Keywords: typographic design; gender studies; fashion magazines; women’s magazines


This paper analyzes the discursive hegemony of the typographic field from a gender perspective, and its incidence in the design of fashion magazines. It is based on the assumption that typographic design practices are spaces for construction, reproduction and articulation of meanings about gender relations. In general, the question arises about how the preferred readings of a typeface are configured, what makes it characterize as feminine, masculine and / or neutral. From this perspective, feminist critiques of modern design discursive, focusing on functionality and neutrality, are use in order to make visible the existing gender marcs in the design, selection and classification of typographic families for fashion magazines.


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How to Cite
Flesler, G. (2019). Marcas de género en el diseño tipográfico de revistas de moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (76), 49 a 61.