Arte y Costumbres: Los pliegues azules en los vestidos de vinilo de Laura Lima (1990-2010)

  • Gianne Maria Montedônio Chagastelles
Keywords: Cloth; Habits; Folds; Contemporary Art; Laura Lima; Memory; Resistance


This paper works on “Costumes”, a piece created by a Brazilian contemporary artist called Laura Lima, between 1990 and 2010. On this work, Lima proposes a changing of habits while offering new ways of behave as well as offering new cloth, giving to the spectators the opportunity to embody it to daily life. The wish to dress up the “Costumes” proposed by her and the demand for different ways of administration make possible to the spectator to change himself. Hence, it becomes possible to the spectator to live the deterritorialisation of his own identity, allowing himself to experience an open subjectivity to the new comings. The essential of these pieces, beyond the aesthetisation of objects and spaces, is also the confrontation between participants and artistic situations. The interest is focused on the behaviours: enlargement of perception, updating of memories, changing of habits and renewal of sensibility. The artistic environment, the human existence, the way of control over the space and the human body are also of great importance to this present work, as well as the resistance strategies that go through the search for anonymity and particular appropriation of new behaviours.


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Site Acesso: 22/08/2016

How to Cite
Montedônio Chagastelles, G. M. (2019). Arte y Costumbres: Los pliegues azules en los vestidos de vinilo de Laura Lima (1990-2010). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (76), 179 a 190.