La función social del diseño o el diseño al servicio social

  • Jorge Gaitto
Keywords: social design; humanitarian design; ephemeral design


The function of design should not be questioned or become the debate’s focus, since the manifest mission of design is social. It arises from society and its production is oriented and directed towards society. It configured according to the temporary needs of the context from which it emerges. However, addressing the issue of functionality implies defining it more precisely: is it social or humanitarian? 

The present work gives a look on these questions, and tries to reflect on the possible “must be” of the design in front of the different professional positions.


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How to Cite
Gaitto, J. (2019). La función social del diseño o el diseño al servicio social. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (69), 21 a 29.