La historia interminable: Langostino y Mangucho y Meneca en Patoruzito (1945-1950)

  • Amadeo Gandolfo
Keywords: Eduardo Ferro; Roberto Battaglia; Patoruzito


The appearance of the magazine Patoruzú in 1936 marks the beginning of one of the most successful cartoon publishers in Argentina, that commanded by Dante Quinterno. For a long time the company founded by him would be the paradigm of a modern organization of the work of the vignettes and of an aesthetic line: rounded drawings, clear lines, friendly characters, stories where good always triumphs. In 1945, the businessman decided to expand his line with the addition of a comic magazine aimed at the little ones: Patoruzito. This was presented as a magazine that wanted to offer on each page a new adventure, stories that continued eternally, untiring characters. Initially it combined national and American material, acquired through syndicates. But soon he developed his own star cartoonists, among them the duo we are dealing with here: Eduardo Ferro and Roberto Battaglia.


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Patoruzito (1945-1950). Buenos Aires: Editorial Dante Quinterno.

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Sasturain, J. (1980). “Ferro, dibujate algo”. En Superhumor #2. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de la Urraca.

Steimberg, O. (1977/2013). Leyendo Historietas. Buenos Aires: Eterna Cadencia.

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How to Cite
Gandolfo, A. (2019). La historia interminable: Langostino y Mangucho y Meneca en Patoruzito (1945-1950). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (74), 57 a 70.