Novas perspectivas da fabricação digital no design social e no desenvolvimento econômico

  • Coroline Salvan Pagnan
  • Artur Caron Mottin
Keywords: 3D printing; new manufacturing technology; maker movement; DIY


The market and the products / services consumption mode are passing through modifications over time, with the increase of phenomena such as the Do It Yourself (DIY) culture, the Maker Movement and greater access to environments which contribute to ideas feasibility and the digital manufacturing spaces. New perspectives of 3D printing, laser cutting and CNC machining use in the social, economic and academic development are presented, embracing an approach of ideas feasibility and solutions environments operation, seeking to understand who are the people frequenting these places, making use of these technologies and the purpose for which these resources are being applied. Examples of this new method of design, manufacture and consume products and services are exposed to demonstrate their ability to contribute to people’s life quality improvement. As a result, are pointed routes where the new technologies development and use and the manufacturing and design democratization converge to bring solutions that promote growth in various society aspects.


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How to Cite
Salvan Pagnan, C., & Caron Mottin, A. (2019). Novas perspectivas da fabricação digital no design social e no desenvolvimento econômico. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (69), 97 a 112.