Logotipo ou quadrinho? As animadas aventuras de Don Quixote nas capas de Ângelo Agostini

  • Marilda Lopes Pinheiro Queluz
Keywords: Don Quixote; Agostini; comics; graphic humor


The purpose of this text is to reflect on the covers of the newspaper Don Quixote, founded in 1895, by the Italian immigrant Ângelo Agostini (1843-1910), emphasizing the metalinguistic resources created around the idea of the construction of the logo and the establishment of a sequenced narrative for the visual identity of the periodical. The context of disappointment with the republican oligarchic Brazilian regime and of distrust in the technological modernization dialogues with the confused adventures of the Cervantine characters in the lively headers of Agostini. The skilled academic stroke of the caricaturist experiments new directions for the language of graphic humor in lithography, revealing, although by a conservative bias, the transformations of the city and the press.


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Fonte primária

Don Quixote (1895-1903).

How to Cite
Lopes Pinheiro Queluz, M. (2019). Logotipo ou quadrinho? As animadas aventuras de Don Quixote nas capas de Ângelo Agostini. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (74), 95 a 107. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi74.1089