Breccia Negro: el testimonio de un autor

  • Pablo Turnes
Keywords: Alberto Breccia; Dictatorship; Authorship; Cartoon


In 1978 the volume Breccia Negro was published, which meant the presentation to an Argentine public of an Alberto Breccia consecrated as an author, awarded in Europe but relatively unknown in Argentina. In this way, it would be a re-presentation in its double sense: the renewal of the presence of the artist, who has a long career in the country; and the representation of his artistic and authorial person, in a moment where the possibility of thinking of such a figure was not only possible but it was also required by a progressively more refined, specialized, critical and demanding public. On the other hand, the same author chose to reconstruct his past as a worker in an industry from that personal and authorial perspective, making cuts and filtering what could contribute to the operation, separating it from that other that had no place in that corpus. Breccia Negro, in addition, can be read as the union of two factors that until that moment, although somehow always were present, now began to transform into deliberate action: the graphicnarrative experimentation and the political content of the comic strips.


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How to Cite
Turnes, P. (2019). Breccia Negro: el testimonio de un autor. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (74), 181 a 190.