Significação como possível caminho inovador para projetos de Design de Ambientes

  • Simone Abreu
Keywords: Environment Design; Meaning; Strategy; Innovation


This article discusses a possible and strategy way of projection of the environments from the perspective of meaning, presented by design-driven innovation. The environment has two dimensions to consider what are the objective, observable and subjective which are those related to the system of meaning. This article presents results of research carried with teachers designers of the Escola de Design, analyzing the main issues addressed in projects. What aspect of greatest importance for these teachers of the project? In today’s complex scenario where the design interacts less and less objective and exact disciplines and more with sensitive and psychological factors, which would be the innovative and strategic path for projection environments? Design-driven innovation paves the way for a radical innovation, addressing the meaning that the products are at the center of this innovation. It is hoped that this article will contribute positively to a new look projectual contributing to user welfare.


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How to Cite
Abreu, S. (2019). Significação como possível caminho inovador para projetos de Design de Ambientes. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (69), 113 a 125.