Arte y Medios: Narrativa transmedia y el translector

  • Natalia Aguerre
Keywords: Art; Media; Transmedia Narrative; Translector


Advances in the ecosystem of the media and the Internet have transformed the ways of building stories and the modes of reading of subjects. The transmedia narrative and the translector are terms that emerged in the last decades to explain the acts of production and reading, within the framework of the current media ecology. In order to observe these changes, the article will examine the evolution of these experiences from the perspective of the field of art. There will be a historical overview to visualize how certain artists have been modifying their narrative creations, based on the use of devices offered by digital media and how the receivers have been assuming new reading practices.


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How to Cite
Aguerre, N. (2019). Arte y Medios: Narrativa transmedia y el translector. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (72), 17 a 32.

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