O impacto da tecnologia de informação e comunicação nas bibliotecas públicas: envolvimento comunitário, criatividade e inovação

  • Ana Ligia Medeiros
  • Gilda Olinto
Keywords: Public Library; Library and community; Social Capital; ICT; Brazilian libraries


Contemporary society is characterized by new ways of accessing and dealing with cultural goods, as a consequence of the general increase in the use of information and communication technologies. The public library, as one of the more traditional public institutions guaranteeing free access to information and reading, has to adapt its actions to these new demands of society. This article aims at bringing about new perspectives that seem to represent efforts to attend these new demands. It analyses the tendency of the institution in the direction of strengthening its relations with the surrounding community, contributing to its social and economic development, notably through incentives in the formation of its social capital, to its creativity and innovation and also to its access to new modes of reading.


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How to Cite
Ligia Medeiros, A., & Olinto, G. (2019). O impacto da tecnologia de informação e comunicação nas bibliotecas públicas: envolvimento comunitário, criatividade e inovação. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (72), 121 a 134. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi72.1116