El diseño como modelo de formación emprendedora en educación universitaria

  • Carlos Enrique Xerfan do Amaral
  • André Ribeiro de Oliveira
  • Sandra Mara Nunes Vivote
Keywords: entrepreneurship; higher education; curriculum


The entrepreneurship training in Brazil is still a secondary action in higher education institutions. The complexity of this training goes through diverse personal, cultural and technical characteristics. The developing of such skills during the training of a professional is a complex task, reinforced by the academic fragmentation of each specific field of activity.

Seeking to collaborate with a solution to this deficiency of the diversified and rigid curricula in the Brazilian educational model, this study sought to investigate in what way the design can contribute as an objective resource for the superior entrepreneurial formation. Therefore, the case study was carried out in a Brazilian higher education institution, with philanthropic characteristics, located in the region of Leopoldina, state of Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite
Xerfan do Amaral, C. E., Ribeiro de Oliveira, A., & Nunes Vivote, S. M. (2019). El diseño como modelo de formación emprendedora en educación universitaria. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (69), 263 a 278. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi69.1121