Desmaterialización e inmaterialidad en el contexto contemporáneo del Diseño

  • Leila Lemgruber Queiroz
Keywords: Dematerialisation; Immateriality; Postmodernity; Sustainability; Design


This paper includes reflections on the importance of considering dematerialisation and immateriality in the projectual attitude of design. The focus is directed to the sustainability attributes in the Post-Modernity scenario. What it is intended to highlight are innovative paradigms of the configuration of artifacts that deconstruct the conventional system of production, distribution, and consumption. The issues addressed in the text refer to the conditioning factors of material culture as well as immaterial culture.


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How to Cite
Lemgruber Queiroz, L. (2019). Desmaterialización e inmaterialidad en el contexto contemporáneo del Diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (70), 29 a 35.