La sustentabilidad de Internet de las Cosas

  • Maximiliano Zito
Keywords: Internet of Things; IoT; Sustainability; Environmental Impacts; Jevons Paradox; Growth Limits


The term Internet of Things (IoT) has permeated our society in recent years, especially in the media. Although the term is not new, the massification of electronic devices, the real possibility of analyzing large amounts of data through Big Data and drawing useful conclusions from them, seems to have definitely opened the door for an IoT explosion. 

The present article seeks to reflect on a problem that does not seem to have been adequately addressed: its environmental and social implications. In other words, in its sustainability. In a world that is reaching its limits, is it possible that Internet of Things can develop? And if so, will it be for all, helping reduce the gap between those who have the most and those who have the least? Or on the contrary, will these differences increase?


Analizando el Internet de las Cosas. Primera Parte. Disponible en: Analizando el Internet de las Cosas. Segunda ParteDisponible en:

El internet de las cosas, ¿una amenaza para la humanidad? (5 julio de 2016). Disponible en:

Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos. Disponible en:

Definición de Desarrollo Sostenible, ONU. Disponible en:

Bureau International des Poids et mesures. Disponible en:

The Coal Question. An Inquiry Concerning the Progress of the Nation, and the Probable Exhaustion of Our Coal-Mines (W. Stanley Jevons, 1865). ISBN 978-0-678-00107-3.

Internet de las Cosas. Disponible en:

How to Cite
Zito, M. (2019). La sustentabilidad de Internet de las Cosas. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (70), 37 a 44.