The impact of Biomimicry on sensory experience: an analysis of the relationship between human senses and nature in the design process in Architecture

  • Elton Cristovão da Silva Lima
  • Luís Miguel Cotrim Mateus
  • Amilton José Vieira de Arruda
Keywords: Biomimicry, Architecture


This article explores the field of biomimicry in architecture, focusing on the integration of nature-inspired solutions to enrich the sensory experience of users in built spaces.


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How to Cite
da Silva Lima, E. C., Cotrim Mateus, L. M., & Vieira de Arruda, A. J. (2024). The impact of Biomimicry on sensory experience: an analysis of the relationship between human senses and nature in the design process in Architecture. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (239).