Los nuevos aprendizajes del sujeto digital
If we had to quickly trace the evolution of exchanges between information technology and education we should distinguish at least three phases: pioneering experiences, integration and manipulation of digital resources and virtualization. However, this process of appropriation has also been maturing and therefore motivated to reflect on their own teaching practices, pointing limits and possibilities. Today, we are witnessing the entry into another stage of that evolutionary path that could be termed as “post-digital”. Here they are, then, issues that challenge not only the way to educate (comprehensive didactics of knowledge) but also interpret the formation of new cultural habits whose exercise does not recognize mediations or eliminates instances of control. Often it proposes a logic of “direct action” behind which a power that needs to be recognized and measured by its consequences is hidden. The magnitude of this change happened within the “knowledge society” that generates an educational alert requesting our attention on the nascent organization criteria “Curriculum digital intervention”; this is an intervention that has spread already from objects to people. Therefore, the relationship with the devices, platform selection, availability of information, the ubiquity of consultations, intervention and network management, and application development is the new digital environment that requires transdisciplinary approaches and a humanizing approach to avoid the danger of generating a mass of subjects adapted to the paradigms of the XXI century.
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