Werner Herzog, documentales de viaje: Fata Morgana, La Soufrière, A la espera de una catástrofe inevitable, Wodaabe, Pastores del sol, Jag Mandir

  • Igor Dimitri Gonçalves
Keywords: Werner Herzog; trip documentaries essays; Fata Morgana; La Soufrière; Wodaabe; Jag Mandir


Four films by the german director Werner Herzog are analyzed as travel film essays. These works, less known, short films, that are supposed to risk less, or in other words, those works of physical research of documentary creation in the very action of observation illustrates a personal tour through more conventional ways to make documentaries. This article argues that, on one hand, in these movies the author applies a staging that comes from Paul Rotha´s naturalism and his romantic device; and on the other hand, that what Herzog adds is neccesarily what moves them away from a container definition. The value of these film essays lies in the use of the classic tools with new meanings given by the author. In this article we reflect about the trouble in detect patterns in documentary cinema after the case-study of one author´s filmography.


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How to Cite
Gonçalves, I. D. (2019). Werner Herzog, documentales de viaje: Fata Morgana, La Soufrière, A la espera de una catástrofe inevitable, Wodaabe, Pastores del sol, Jag Mandir. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (62), 17 a 27. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi62.1219