La doble lectura de Canciones para después de una guerra explicada desde el marco teórico de las problemáticas del documental

  • Nerea González
Keywords: Basilio Martín Patino; After-war songs; Franquism; Spain; documentary; reflection


This article proposes a theoretical approach to the documentary Songs after the war (1971) directed by the spanish film-maker Basilio Martín Patino during the last years of Franco regime. In this film, the director portraits the post-war in Spain through archive images and popular songs. From concepts developed by some of the main thinkers of documentary cinema, the article aims to contribute with new theoretical considerations in the explanation of a curious phenomena: there was no agreement in determine if the film supported Franco regime or not. The specificity of the documentary image, the reflective speech of Patino in oposition to the apparent exposition and the extra effort for the interpretation that demands this film compared to the mass cinema of those years are some of the factors that present several difficulties in the organic reception of the film.


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How to Cite
González, N. (2019). La doble lectura de Canciones para después de una guerra explicada desde el marco teórico de las problemáticas del documental. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (62), 29 a 42.