El acto performático como expresión del pensamiento en obras realizadas por artistas venezolanos

  • Maria A. Sifontes
Keywords: Performance; video; body; machine


The article analyzes the staging and the application of technological devices in the construction of the image and the discourse in four audiovisual works due to Venezuela´s artists: Related to tropical light, hommage to Armando Reverón (1978) by Diego Rísquez; Bolívar, tropical shymphony (1980) by Diego Rísquez; Rest in fish (1986) by Nela Ochoa and TV Documentalry (2005) by Alexander Apóstol. The starting point of the paper is a brief historical tour of the practice of performance in the sixties and the influence of video. Artists began to experience new ways of expression from the intimate space and the subjective thought. The use of devices has allowed new trends and ways of representation and has unchained the subjectivity crisis of the works and the different connotations of the body. A theoretical corpus is developed (I - image/body-machine-image) connecting the birth of video and the exposition of the body in front of the camera, allowing the creation of the video-performance as an act of self-production. The analysis of the selected works and its different technological devices provides an approach of (un) construction of the images-memory, images-memoirs, in the exposed body experience or the absent body to communicate an idea.


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How to Cite
Sifontes, M. A. (2019). El acto performático como expresión del pensamiento en obras realizadas por artistas venezolanos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (62), 115 a 126. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi62.1227