Un paisaje nuevo de lo posible. Hacia una conceptualización de la “ficción documental” a partir de Fotografías, de Andrés Di Tella
One of the most remarkable features of contemporary literature is the ambivalence in the definition of its fictional statute. In most of the novels and stories that have been published in the last decades fiction is, al least, ambiguous. In those texts, chronicle and autobiography, the reflection on the own writting process or the essay style merges with fictional narrative fragments producing a questioning of the fictional statute within literature in itself. In this article we affirm that documentary cinema is an appropriate site (a laboratory) to think the transformation of fiction in contemporary art. After the analysis of the documentary Photographies (2006) by Andrés Di Tella, certain procedures relating to how fiction arises inside are investigated. The expectation is that this research will serve as a theoretical basis for thinking the transformations that not only fiction category in the documentary film but also, more broadly, in other contemporary art forms, such as in literature.
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