Moda en cine: signos y simbolismos

  • Matilde Carlos
Keywords: cinema; clothing; didactic proposal; influences; fashion; fashion system; significants


As an expression of mass culture, cinema has always been a source of imagination and aspirations of various kinds. Fashion, as a social and cultural phenomenon, has not been exempt from its influence. Inspiring costumes, symbols and implicit messages come together in films that reflect values, feelings and traits of times and situations anchored in the collective memory. This article will attempt to analyze this phenomenon through some examples of this relationship. It also seeks to show the correlation in the fashion system of the XX and XXI centuries after the works presented by students of Fashion Design, Fashion communications and Fashion Production careers and that has been developed in the subject Style and Image Workshop I.


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Marsal, S. (2003). Moda & Cultura. Buenos Aires: Nobuko.

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Trabajos Prácticos del Taller de Estilo e Imagen I, 1er. Cuatrimestre del año 2012, correspondientes a las alumnas: Almirón, Florencia; Alzaga, Macarena y Swier, Brenda; Aquino, Camila y Hansen, Érica; Burlando, María y Teruggi, María.

How to Cite
Carlos, M. (2019). Moda en cine: signos y simbolismos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 17 a 22.