De la pasarela al cine, del cine a la pasarela. El vestuario y la moda en el cine argentino hoy

  • Cecilia Garizoain
Keywords: budget; costume; evolution; exchange; genre; nuances; production; transformation


There are countless times when fashion and cinema have flirted with each other. Countless times they have been inspired and reinvented. The characters we see on screen are those who, through dress, its nuances, fabrics, colors and shapes were talking about how we were in the early days of cinema in Argentina in 1896, and how we are now, how we see ourselves as a people / public by the costumes and the fashions of today. The role of the costume designer in the national cinema and the role of fashion brought to the big screen then takes prominence. A role that has changed over time and underwent a major transformation: a transformation that leads us to believe that role in a context where the “exchange” seems to dominate the atmosphere of the costume design. Can the “exchange” to be the last word in fashion at the national cinema?


Aguilar, G. (2010). Otros mundos: un ensayo sobre el nuevo cine argentino (2° ed.). Buenos Aires: Santiago Arcos editor. Pag. 127.

Espana, C. (2000). Coautores: Anchou, G.; Fabbro, G.; Gomez Rial, S.; Kohen, H. R.; Lusnich, A. L.; Maranghello, C.; Valdez, M. Cine Argentino, Industria y Clasicismo. Volumen II. Fondo Nacional de las Artes. Pag. 65.

How to Cite
Garizoain, C. (2019). De la pasarela al cine, del cine a la pasarela. El vestuario y la moda en el cine argentino hoy. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 51 a 59.