La seducción del cuerpo vestido en La fuente de las mujeres

  • Lucía Acar
Keywords: body; costume; female; plasticity; seductive


We are used to think about female body seduction from nudity. The body barely covered or with no clothing is a recurrent feature in the construction of the image of the seductive woman. The straps of a dress create a frenzied relationship between skin and fabric representing desires, intentions and feelings, contributing to the plastic conception of the film. Women bodies in the film The fountain of women -directed by the romanian film director Radu Mihaileanu- are dressed and do not want to be seduced by nudity, but under a sex strike, causing a revolution in a small male and conservative community.


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How to Cite
Acar, L. (2019). La seducción del cuerpo vestido en La fuente de las mujeres. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 99 a 104.