El arte de diseñar nuestro cuerpo

  • Cecilia Puppo
Keywords: aesthetic; art; body; culture; design; image; psychoanalysis; simbolic; speculate; subjectivity


The approach to the body from a psychoanalytic point of view takes us back to the constitution of the human subject considering the complex network of relationships between biological, psychological and cultural bodies. The fictional self gives entity and structure to the body and decenter it with its deceptive mirrored images. In the beginning of the formation of the subject itself there are drama and the various demands dictated by culture; the subject lives alienated, imprisoned in his own body. The modern discourse produces and encourages fragmentation, marginalization and destruction of the differences. In this article not only discourse is questioned but as well we propose the concept of beautiful subjectivity.


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How to Cite
Puppo, C. (2019). El arte de diseñar nuestro cuerpo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 231 a 242. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi58.1269