Imágenes, trauma, memoria: miradas del pasado reciente en obras de Patricio Guzmán, Adriana Lestido y Gustavo Germano

  • Álvaro Fernández Bravo
Keywords: memory; time; image; film; photography


This article proposes a comparison of representations of recent traumatic past in Argentina and Chile using the testimonies collected in the film Nostalgia for the Light by Patricio Guzmán, the photography series Lo que se ve (1979-2007) by Adriana Lestido, and two photographic compositions by Gustavo Germano belonging to the series Ausencias. Both the film and the photographs refer to absent traces (absent bodies), killed during Military Dictatorships in Argentina and Chile, using the memories and testimony of surviving relatives. The work proposes to analyze the temporal traumatic regime of disappeared bodies and their contrast with affective memory, examine the iterative, heterochronic temporal condition of trauma in the contemporary scopic Latin American regimes, and interrogate the uses of mnemonic archive as a visual (political) intervention- (artistic) installation.


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How to Cite
Fernández Bravo, Álvaro. (2019). Imágenes, trauma, memoria: miradas del pasado reciente en obras de Patricio Guzmán, Adriana Lestido y Gustavo Germano. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (61), 107 a 122.