De los textos yoicos a los textos simbólicos

  • Jesús González Requena
Keywords: textual analysis; psychoanalysis; emotional experience; real; imaginary; symbolic


This article is part of the first two sessions of the seminar Psychoanalysis and Textual Analysis taught at the School of Information Sciences at the Complutense University of Madrid (2011/2012). The paper analyze those films that as Rear Window (1954), Vertigo (1958) and Psycho (1960) Alfred Hitchcock mobilize the unconscious and left a deep impression on viewers; it happens, however, that memory can not access those strokes of filmic enunciation that are remembered and partially distorted because the emotional burdens have been displaced. Beyond the semiotic order and communication process that unfolds the cognitive, textual analysis realizes the meaning of the journey of the subject by the film text that is primarily an aesthetic experience of a symbolic knowledge. The scope of the subject’s experience and the work of his desire to appear as a theoretical and methodological challenge to the culture of the image or links to education.


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How to Cite
González Requena, J. (2019). De los textos yoicos a los textos simbólicos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (56), 53 a 84.