Adolescentes y redes sociales online. El photo sharing como motor de la sociabilidad

  • Diego Basile
  • Joaquín Linne
Keywords: adolescents; digital photography; online social networks


Teenagers have expanded the practices of the photographic culture: what used
to be a solemn practice to fix in the family memory some series of lifetime rites, has been
transformed into a recreational and daily practice to share with peers. This practice, which
is based on the production and publication of images to stimulate sociability in online social
networks has been powered by a series of technological and socio- cultural changes that have
occurred in parallel to the development of the Internet 2.0 : 1 ) adolescents who have access
to a computer with Internet and a digital camera can use a repertoire of tools for creating
and manipulating images with low difficulty level that a few years ago was non-existent ; 2)
online social networks give the circulation of images a prominent place ; 3) sociability from
photo sharing has become the leading online activity of most teenagers. Considering these
changes, this article explores from observations and interviews, the various ways in which
teenagers use digital photography as a central component of their everyday sociability


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How to Cite
Basile, D., & Linne, J. (2019). Adolescentes y redes sociales online. El photo sharing como motor de la sociabilidad. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (54), 17 a 27.