La música y la imagen. Anotaciones a partir de El Artista

  • Tomás Frère Affanni
Keywords: Adorno; image and sound; music; Nietzsche; The Artist


From the analysis of the film The Artist (best film Oscar winner in 2012) and
the relationship established in it between images and music, I intend to move forward on
some of the ways in which film took responsible for the problem of music and its relation
to the image: what is the relationship between the visual image and the sound output
simultaneously? What relationship gathers music, sounds and dialogues with the images
projected on the screen?
From some conceptualizations of theorists such as Friedrich Nietzsche and Theodor
Adorno, the article also will address the above questions trying to overcome the cinematic
paradigm in which they arise, to arrive at the terms of a problem that has existed for over
two thousand years: the question about music meaning (if it has any significance), and if
that art can, and how , establish relations with an image, not only in visual sense. I then
propose, using the The Artist example, the approach of that question about the music and
its relationship to the outside


Adorno, T.; Eisler, H. (1976). El cine y la música. Madrid: Fundamentos.

Chion, M. (1993). La audiovisión. Introducción a un análisis conjunto de la imagen y el sonido. Barcelona: Paidós.

Deleuze, G. (2005). Estudios sobre cine 2. La imagen-tiempo. Buenos Aires: Paidós.

Jullier, L. (2007). El sonido en el cine. Barcelona: Paidós.

Lévi-Strauss, C. (2010). Mitológicas. Lo crudo y lo cocido. Buenos Aires: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Nietzsche, F. (2007). El origen de la tragedia. Madrid: Austral.

(1871). “Sobre la música y la palabra”. Disponible en: http://es.Scribd.Com/doc/7145377/friedrich-nietzsche-sobre-la-musica-y-la-palabra.

Ross, A. (2010). El ruido eterno. Escuchar al siglo xx a través de su música. Madrid: Seix Barral.

Schoenberg, A. (1974). El estilo y la idea. Madrid: Taurus.

Schopenhauer, A. (2003). El mundo como voluntad y representación. Madrid: Trotta.

How to Cite
Frère Affanni, T. (2019). La música y la imagen. Anotaciones a partir de El Artista. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 103 a 115.