Archivos y video: no lo hemos comprendido todo

  • Mariela Cantú
Keywords: digitization; file database; internet; self-reflexivity; video


This article proposes to explore the changes brought by digital technologies
and the Internet circulation of audiovisual files and in particular of video files. Faced with
a dizzying media moving from analogical to digital -and having in mind the safeguarding of images- we seek to analyze the impact of digitalization, circulation network and
streaming in this process, studying the specific case of the online file database Arca Video
Argentino, a project conducted by the author of this paper.
In particular, we will try to raise the issue of internet traffic as a possible condition of impossibility of the files, to the extent that the immediacy and rapid obsolescence of current
information as well as the technology that supports it, demands to have in consideration
a new concept of contemporary audiovisual archive, perhaps detached from the physical
backup function.


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How to Cite
Cantú, M. (2019). Archivos y video: no lo hemos comprendido todo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (52), 95 a 106.