Identidad cultural. La película etnográfica en Serbia

  • Dragana Radojičić
Keywords: cultural identity; current progress status; ethnographic film; Ethnographic Film International Festival of Belgrade; Media


The ethnographic film is a subtype of the documentary film. It deals with life
and popular traditions, and can be used as an illustration, but also as a source of ethnographic and anthropological research. The ethnological film that is developed today in
Serbia, can be used as a source for the study of cultural identification, but also as an instrument to establish cultural identity. Four local movies that gather traditional and modern
will be analyzed at the level of material and spiritual subjects.


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How to Cite
Radojičić, D. (2019). Identidad cultural. La película etnográfica en Serbia. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (52), 215 a 225.