Las asociaciones entre el arte y la moda en el siglo XX

  • Melisa Pérez y Pérez
Keywords: art; vanguard; fashion; break; Release; Art Deco; Cubism; Abstract Art; Surrealism; new vanguard; pop art; inspiration; artistic disciplines mix- postmodernism


The twentieth century was marked by great economic and social crisis that led to new ways of understanding life and art. Since World War I and II, the lifestyle of women would radically change, along with the style of their clothing, which would fit their new needs. Art and the new avant-gardes broke all their traditions and blurred their boundaries.
In this common path of transformation, art and fashion were mutually nurturing
throughout the century especially in the twenties when designers and artists influenced
each other under the aesthetics of art deco, cubism and surrealism, and in the sixties, with
pop art, performance art and abstract art. In that scenario, fashion was part of the union
and experimentation between different artistic disciplines. These experiences would
enable, artists and designers to work freely in the final decades of the century. This creative
freedom continues today.


Alemán, J. A., ed. lit. (2011). El gran libro de la moda Clarín. Barcelona, España: Editorial Sol 90, S. L.

de Micheli, M (1968). Las vanguardias artísticas del siglo veinte (G. de Collato, Trad.) Córdoba, Argentina: Editorial Universitaria de Córdoba. (Trabajo original publicado en 1959).

del Río, V. (2006). El concepto de neovanguardia en el origen de las teorías del arte posmoderno, en A. A. V. V. Octavas falsas. Materiales de arte y estética 2, Salamanca, España: Luso-española de Ediciones, pp. 111- 142.

Deslandres, Y. (1998). El traje, imagen del hombre (L. Gavarrón, Trad.), (3ra ed.) Barcelona, España: Tusquets Editores. (Trabajo original publicado en 1976).

Lescano, V. (2004). Followers of Fashion. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Interzona editora. Lucie- Smith, E. (1979). Movimientos en el Arte desde 1945. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé Editores S. A. (Trabajo original publicado en 1969).

Marchán Fiz, S. (1990). Del arte objetual al arte de concepto (5ta ed.) Madrid, España: Ediciones Akal S. A.

Saulquin, S. (1998). La moda en la Argentina (3ra ed.) Buenos Aires, Argentina: Emecé Editores S. A.

How to Cite
Pérez y Pérez, M. (2019). Las asociaciones entre el arte y la moda en el siglo XX. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 15 a 25.