La fotografía en la moda. Entre la seducción y el encanto

  • Mónica Silvia Incorvaia
Keywords: fashion; glamour; photography; print media; avant-garde; aesthetics


Just as the invention of photography changed the look of the society, its
irruption in fashion allowed the visualization of a world of refinement that astonished the
twentieth century women. With the advent of the printing press, and before the arrival of
magazines aimed at a specific audience, photographers were able not only to show their
professional skills but to capture fashion world at its wider dimension.
Names like Edward Steichen, Man Ray, Helmut Newton, Richard Avedon, among others,
showed their talent inspired by the artistic trends that emerged in the first half of the
twentieth century and extending to the present. This paper analyzes their work related to
the structure of their images and the different features of their proposals


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How to Cite
Incorvaia, M. S. (2019). La fotografía en la moda. Entre la seducción y el encanto. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 27 a 38.