Vestuario: entre el cine y la moda

  • Luana Luca
  • Gladys Mercado
Keywords: indústria; moda; cinema; arte; design; fabricação; identidade; imagem


Fashion and cinema industries are crossed by art producing special objects
with symbolic meaning. What link can be established between fashion products and the
process of making a “star”? At this point “manufacture” is the key. The star is the center of
a constellation -the star system- which represented the capitalist model of film production
and was crystallized in the heart of the industry since 1919. Beyond “starring” the audience
has an important role in establishing a strong identification with their favorite stars.
Costume has the function of melting person and character through symbolism. From here
we will try to analyze the symbiosis between designers and stars as an interaction model
where market, advertising and media are the main scenario in which all consolidate their
identity and image.


Croci, P. (Comp.) (2011) Los cuerpos dóciles: hacia un tratado sobre la moda (3a ed.). Bs.

As.: La marca editora.

Dyhouse, C. (2011). Glamour: mujeres, historia y feminismo. Bs. As.: Claridad.

Godart, F. (2012). Sociología de la moda. Bs. As.: Edhasa.

Morin, E. (1964). Las estrellas de cine. Bs As: Eudeb

How to Cite
Luca, L., & Mercado, G. (2019). Vestuario: entre el cine y la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 39 a 45.