El rol del productor en el teatro independiente. La producción es ejecutiva y algo más…

  • Andrea Hanna
Keywords: artistic sensitivity; creativity; executive complement; independent theater; link; management and administration; praxis; producer role


The role of independent theater producer has been imposed with the passing
of the years. Today is inconceivable a theater project without an executive producer. The
article explores the specific tasks performed by an executive producer and if these tasks
have varied in relation to the years (Production was the same in 2000 than in 2011?) How
executive producer is defined and what is the output? Does exist an academic training to
take the role of producer? What is most important or most common, that a producer has
academic training or that he has been formed from practice, or both? There is no doubt
that theater itself is an art, that staging requires artists to run a play but, which is the place
of art within the executive production? Is it considered art? Why? Production is a fashion
activity, an many people use the word “production” very often. So it seems interesting to
take some time to reflect on the term and its scope.
From training and 12 years experience practicing the profession, I will try to answer these
questions approaching some thoughts that may be of interest.


How to Cite
Hanna, A. (2019). El rol del productor en el teatro independiente. La producción es ejecutiva y algo más…. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (50), 75 a 80. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi50.1367