La resignificación del término “producto” en el ámbito cultural

  • Yoska Lázaro
Keywords: artistic power; business theater; cultural product; economic outlook of the theater maker; ethical conflict; for the loving to art; seasons; the decision of the audience; the symbolic


Product concept seems to have a negative meaning when he enters the world of
art. This prejudice has historically generated controversy among artists, negatively impacting the development and retention of filmmakers. Economics with art is not only compatible but necessary. This split weakens the art itself. Awareness of this fact for the artist
generates a change of outlook and possibilities. This paradigm shift would mean the opening and deepening the of the artistic field and, consequently, a significant rise in quality


How to Cite
Lázaro, Y. (2019). La resignificación del término “producto” en el ámbito cultural. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (50), 119 a 125.