El Photoshop en guerra: algo más que un retoque cosmético

  • María José Bórquez
Keywords: digital image; photography; Photoshop.


Nowadays the media provide the basis material of which individuals structure
their uniqueness. Within this area the photographic image plays a key role. It is true that
since its invention in the nineteenth century, it never functioned as a mirror or reflection
of a particular reality and handling long precedes the digital era, but the chances of “fix”
or electronically disrupt the images are greater today than ever, if not almost limitless.
This does not deny that there are certain limits on the use of editing tools like PhotoShop
that seem to be given by certain application areas. It is not the same the fashion retouching
in advertising or to erase wrinkles or physical imperfections that war testimonial photos
to increase, for example, a cloud of smoke. We find a clear example in the photo intervention due to an English photographer of Reuters that caused a scandal of such magnitude
that ended with his dismissal. All this shows that Photoshop is much more than a mere
cosmetic retouching.


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How to Cite
Bórquez, M. J. (2019). El Photoshop en guerra: algo más que un retoque cosmético. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (54), 29 a 37. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi54.1403