Telas con efectos mágicos: iconografía en las distintas culturas Entre el arte, la moda y la comunicación

  • Diana Avellaneda
Keywords: alternative culture in the Australian Continent; communication; European popular clothing; fashion; signs; symbolism; textile art


The fabrics and weaves produced by the different cultures can have varied functions
between which the following stand out: to be a language that communicates with further on;
to demonstrate tracks of beliefs of the present fabrics; to act as to prolong the maternal belly;
to show hierarchic community brands; to show segregation; to symbolize a trophy before some
victory; to grant talisman effects; and from the artistic point of view, to express creativity, beauty and wealth of materials. Tie in fashion or to the decoration of spaces within the architecture:
showy, useful and daily, fabrics can besides protecting, being studied from more important
approaches. Anthropology, sociology, history, religion and art can offer contributions to see in
them another kind of communication.


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How to Cite
Avellaneda, D. (2019). Telas con efectos mágicos: iconografía en las distintas culturas Entre el arte, la moda y la comunicación. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 42(42), 59 a 67.