Consideraciones sobre moda, estilo y tendencias

  • Patricia Doria
Keywords: archetype; fashion; macrotendency; mask; microtendency; stereotypes; style ; trend


Fashion according to Lipovetsky, is defined as a frantic search for novelty, and a
form of worship present. These concepts are interrelated and consistent with an open society
in a culture where core values are pleasure, the constant search of belonging to a group and at
the same time be different and unique.
This exclusivity implies to have or develop a specific style. The style is defined as a basic mode of
expression and distinctive, the relationship with style and fashion goes from general to particular. The fashion in these cases takes a dominant position in the world of good taste, but still, there
are small fads that establish themselves within other smaller areas and which are called styles.


Barthes, R. (1967). Systeme de la mode. Trad. cast. Joan V. I. Sastre (1978). Sistema de la moda.
Barcelona: Gustavo Gilli.
Lipovetsky, G. (1990). El imperio de lo efímero. La moda y su destino en las sociedades modernas.
Barcelona: Anagrama.
Tungate, M. (2005). Marcas de Moda: Marcar estilo desde Armani a Zara. Barcelona: G. Gilli.
How to Cite
Doria, P. (2019). Consideraciones sobre moda, estilo y tendencias. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 42(42), 101 a 105.

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