Al compás de la revolución Interactiva. Un mundo de conexiones

  • Elena Onofre
Keywords: community; consumption; influencers; interactive; responsible; social networks; sustainable


The impact produced by interactive revolution in the current scenario is equivalent
to that produced by the industrial revolution, the advent of the printing press or the Copernican revolution. The big difference between these events that have led to changes in paradigm and worldview in history is that the interactive revolution in society has been installed in
just two decades, while the penetration of industrialism, mass and access to the printed word,
and further, the acceptance of the Copernican theory, needed dozens of generations to anchor
in society. The signals that characterize the stage dominated by information technology and
communication, are a constant and sustained pressure on the model of the professional field
approach proposed by academic institutions.In this scenario dominated by multi-directional
communication and multitasking colaborative audiences, institutional dynamics should take
the “rythm” demanded by a society governed by the giddiness of disposal.We need to be continuously informed about many subjects and this forces us to provide new meanings not only to
the objects of consumption, but to what we do as professionals.


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How to Cite
Onofre, E. (2019). Al compás de la revolución Interactiva. Un mundo de conexiones. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, 42(42), 169 a 178.