Turismo: portal de la diversidad cultural. El turismo receptivo como espacio para el encuentro multicultural

  • Diego Navarro
Keywords: cultural diversity; social inclusion; tourist destiny


This work explores tourism diversity and its singularities in Argentina. Tourism materializes the relation between individuals and the socio-natural systems which they visit temporarily. In the framework of this relationship, the
tourist ties with the diverse aspects of the tourist destiny: natural, social, artificial, cultural, political and economic. The
increasing Argentine positioning as tourist destiny implies the arrival of new relevant groups: a new reality that supposes
renewed reflections on cultural diversity. Also, tourists tied both with the inhabitants of the destiny and with the people
who work in this sector implying a certain social inclusion. In addition, the pre-eminence of traditional tourist attractive
(tangible) is leaving space to another kind of attractive and activities, characteristically cultural and intangible: proposals
in which the classic observant tourist yields place to the active modern tourist. Argentine people, as owner of this culture,
is displayed with diverse levels of exhibition in the official tourist communication.


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How to Cite
Navarro, D. (2019). Turismo: portal de la diversidad cultural. El turismo receptivo como espacio para el encuentro multicultural. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (34), 69 a 83. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi34.1464