El maltrato psicológico en la empresa

  • Silvia Martinica
Keywords: Management; psychopathy; harassment; ill treatment; leadership; pathology; organization; corporation; power; abuse


The psychological abuse in the company, is a much more common theme of
what that means and often appears disguised by masks that they apparently are positive,
or at least socially acceptable. There are bonds that are established under an integrated
working mode but that hide pathological relationships and heads giving signs of a
significant mental imbalance. But to have certain executive features exacerbated not only
are tolerated until wanted by organizations, companies and political. They are people who
are characterized by “do at all costs, at any price, but blood is on the road”. This paper is a
brief tour of this type of personalities pathological, linking them with tasks that perform
in organizations, as they are managed, how they operate.


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How to Cite
Martinica, S. (2019). El maltrato psicológico en la empresa. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 181 a 188. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi57.1470