Comunicación política

  • Diego Dillenberger
Keywords: communication management; communication strategy; Corporate Communication; Dircom; political campaigns; Political communication; political parties; Public; Public opinion; Public Relations; Relations with the Press


The present writing introduces the thematic of Political Communication´s management. The author builds a parallel with the management of the corporative communication and the hierarchized figure of the Dircom, centralizing the strategy of communication in a base of scheme of double way in relation to the expectations and perceptions of the public, and approaching it from a strategic and operative dimension. It proposes a sort of constant dialogue between political parties and their objective public, not exclusively through mass media, but permanent monitoring the public opinion and the use of the new technologies in a base of Political Communication 2.0 that maximizes the new opportunities that these represent.
He analyzes local, Latin American and international cases.


Grunig, J., Hunt T. (s.f.). Excellence in public relations and communication management. New Jersey : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Stuart, E. (1996). PR! A Social History of Spin, Basic Books.

Kaplan, T. (s.f) The Tylenol Crisis: How effective Public Relations saved Johnson & Johnson, The Pennsylvania State University

How to Cite
Dillenberger, D. (2019). Comunicación política. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 71 a 77.