Issues Management La comunicación de proyectos de inversión ambientalmente sensibles

  • Aldo Leporatti
Keywords: Botnia case; case “papeleras” (Paper factories); communication strategy; communicational management ; Corporate communication; crisis communication; environment; environmental care; Issues Management ; public; Public opinion; Public relations; Relations with the Press.


: The present work makes the boarding of the management of Issues Management within the framework of
investment projects environmentally sensible, and the key role that communication and relationship with different publics
carry out in these scenarios. The social movements and organizations pseudo-ecologists, added to the spurious interests
that usually appear in this type of reclamations, imposes a deep project analysis that require of a professional management
with a vision 360° that includes a suitable strategy of communication and relationship. The social perception of risk, the
complex relations between science, technology and society, scenarios of great visibility with non expert actors, the myths
and the false alarms, and the role of mass media are some of the components that hit in the public opinion and in the
management of Issues Management. It analyzes the Botnia case.


Periodistas de Gualeguaychú contra las papeleras que pretenden radicarse en Fray Bentos, 04/04/2005, El Cronista Comercial. Disponible en

Las aguas suben turbias. Si esto no es contaminar…(18/08/2007) Portal EcoUruguay. Disponible en

Pasquini Durán J. (18/08/2007). Temblores. Página 12. Disponible en

Blogs y website recomendados, que analizaron la historia del tema Botnia a lo largo de estos años:

Las cosas de Néstor, disponible en

EcoUruguay, disponible en

How to Cite
Leporatti , A. (2019). Issues Management La comunicación de proyectos de inversión ambientalmente sensibles. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 117 a 123.